Monday 11 April 2016

OUGD501 - Practical - Crit Scrawl Feedback

1. Do you think the designs are too simple? Why?
- I think they are simple but it works as that quality is better for logos.
- I like the simple designs, makes it bold
- Minimalistic that gives a strong connection to the handwriting, create a traditional aesthetic
- No because it works hand rendered element makes it more personal which works with "your coca cola"
- I think it works well, the typefaces makes it very personal but maybe stay with the use of red's and white considering the history of the brand.
- No I feel they work really well and stand out as they are different to the original design. 
- I think they need to be simple in order to show the different interpretations of the logo.
- No, don't over complicate, the idea/designs works as it is = simple

2. Should I keep to the 'traditional' Coca Cola colours? Or vary them to make them stand out from the previous packaging?
- It would be good to try variations even if they don't work.
- Yes as it is times and easily noticed
- I think use the traditional colours but change the design a lot.
- Could play around with some colours but the red and silver are familiar for customers and are timeless.
- Keep same traditional colours
- You could change colours as it would make it more engaging and interesting. 
- Changing the colours would take it completely away from the original brand and would end up looking like a cheap/fake copy.
- Yes and no, try others to see what happens - could go in flames or really work!

3. I plan on creating supporting advertising material e.g. gif for digital billboards and posters... Any suggestions on more things to create?
- Adverts for TV use
- Maybe a campaign or TV advert
- Vehicle livery, coke box?
- An app? New campaign? New bottle/can design? New concept/idea...
- TV advert, animations and bus stop/bus banners
- Possibly an advert
- Possibly experiment with a bolder font?
- Maybe show its use on social media
- Don't give yourself too much to do. Do a gif, the cans and a poster or something similar. 

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