Friday 15 April 2016

OUGD501 - Practical - Bottle and Can Wrap designs

After getting people's interpretations of the logos I decided to start mocking up some can designs for the campaign. I decided to make it more personal to the audience and to relate to the fact that the sketches are each unique and individual I added the strap line to be "your Coca Cola" in order to further relate to the consumer.

After some initial feedback I tried some different colours to the usual Coca Cola logos as well as playing around with the placement of the sketched logo. To me these colours are a bit jarring, while they add a sort of friendliness to the cans they don't feel like Coca Cola cans. They almost feel like knock offs due to the colour scheme being different. Also I much prefer the simpler designs to those which stretch across the whole can or go horizontal. I feel like for the can designs the simpler they are the more successful they will be.  Additionally I tried to compile all the logos together like in the packaging designs I found for my research. I feel like this is quite effective at making the can seem personal however the colour of it makes it look odd. I will definitely try this with the classic Coca Cola colours. 

So I went back and had a look at Coca Cola designs. I found that a lot of the designs contain this wavey line which is also included in the logo. I tried incorporating this into my design but I feel like it takes away from the hand drawn logo and makes it difficult to read. I'm also not too sure about the typeface, I thought that using Helvetica would make the packaging seem timeless but it makes it feel a bit too corporate and not friendly enough against the sketched logos. 

Trying to keep the simplicity in mind with progressing forward with the can designs. I changed the typeface to one that is more fitting with my campaign: a approachable looking sans serif. I much prefer this font on the can to Helvetica as I feel the more geometric look to it makes it appear friendly which goes a lot better with the tone of voice I was looking for. I also tried the compiled logo designs onto one of the red cans and it looks so much better on the red - the colours seem more harmonious and it makes the product seem more genuine.

For the bottle designs I asked some of my peers to do some sketches for it. I wanted to create some designs that were individual and unique once again to emphasise the fact that Coca Cola is celebrating how we as individuals interpret the drink itself. 

I asked my housemate who is an illustrator to do some illustrations of patterns that people could have on the bottles and I was really happy with the results. I wanted to create bottle designs that could be created on an online feature that I plan to create where customers can design a custom glass bottle and then pay for it to be printed and delivered to them. 

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