Monday 18 April 2016

OUGD501 - Practical - Create your own bottle Feature

Because of the nature of the designs that I am doing I thought that as a sort of promotional feature for Coca Cola customers could create their own bottle designs to have for themselves.  This shows people's recognition of the logo and how well it has been ingrained into our minds this would inadvertently advertise Coca Cola. I thought that this would be perfect to advertise an anniversary of the creation of coca cola. Conveniently I found that the 125th anniversary is next year so I could use this. 

Initially I started by designing a little set up for users to create themselves a limited edition bottle. I tried to follow a similar layout to the current Coca Cola website but I found that it looks a bit strange and empty. 

I found the website for the actual drink Coca Cola rather than the overhead website for the company and applied a similar style to my site design. I feel like this is a lot clearer now for users as it is easier to navigate. 

I also mocked up an enter page for the website to further advertise the limited edition bottles. With the use of this digital platform, what I have talked about in my essay that logos become common through saturation will ring true. 

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