Wednesday 15 October 2014

OUGD401 - Study Task 2 - Modernism and Post Modernism


Anton Stankowski - Mercedes Benz Racing - 1955

Anton Stankowski's work displays the epitome of the modernist movement within graphic design. Most of his work uses simple type and image to portray his message but with not much else on the page. I find his style of design so striking, especially for this piece of advertising done for Mercedes Benz in 1955. The whole poster conveys movement and speed which is exactly the message that Mercedes will have wanted to portray. He also uses no information whatsoever within the design, just simple text and image. Although there is so little within the design this makes it more effective. The bold eye catching colours draw your eyes into the piece and the chevron points you in the direction of the race car and gives the illusion that the car will carry on moving. I also believe that the colours used in the image are very patriotic to Germany, with the combination of black and yellow selling the idea that Germany and therefore Mercedes makes the best race cars. 


i-D Magazine cover - Terry Jones - 1980

This i-D magazine cover is also very post-modern. The colour scheme and layout screams chaos and anarchy, very reminiscent of the punk style. The class of the bold colour really shocks the viewer, in my personal opinion I find it a bit of a sickly combination. It is a complete contrast to the simplicity and small colour palette used in Stankowski's piece. Even the typeface used is varied in size and varies in upper and lower case, further emphasising the idea of disorder. 

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