Saturday 1 November 2014

OUGD401 - Consumerism - What is the relationship between branding and The Consumer Self (Ewen)?

I decided to choose the question on Consumerism for my essay as I am very interested in both the idea that branding affects peoples opinions on products and that some brands use built in obsolescence in order to make more sales.

In the interim critique I was told that both were good ideas however I should focus on just one aspect. So I went to the library and found a book called "Made to break", all about the invention of obsolescence and how it has effected us as a society as well as the environment. I found it very interesting how much impact that has had on the environment already. For example with the invention of LCD screen cathode ray tube screens were simply thrown away and the cathode gas could have leaked into the water systems from the landfill. I find this quite concerning along with this "throw away culture" that we live in today. So I also got a book out that talks about the second hand culture that is present in some countries, which makes a lot more sense than throwing things away. Like with furniture, often vintage and old furniture is a lot sturdier than most furniture that people buy today like flat pack furniture so it makes sense to reuse old furniture and update it. I myself have gone with the up-cycling movement and I have bought old furniture in my room and painted to make it look more modern. 

So I think for my essay I will write about:

  • Who created obsolescence and why?
  • What companies and brands use obsolescence?
  • What effect does obsolescence have on the environment?
  • Primary research on consumers knowledge about obsolescence.
  • My opinion on obsolescence.
  • How to tackle obsolescence.
I also have had the idea to rebrand an up-cycling company as my body of work or even create a promotional campaign demoting obsolescence.

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