Friday 6 February 2015

OUGD401 - Practical research

After doing my case study on chocolate I became really interested in how the packaging makes consumers perceive the value of the product rather than the taste. I thought that I could perhaps rebrand Aldi's Moser Roth chocolate to look more expensive or even make a brand neutral chocolate that should show no value within the packaging. 

Chocolate Packaging Research

I found a book in the library that contains lots of different food packaging designs so I looked through to find some interesting chocolate packaging. 

I really like the idea of having a see through section in the packaging like with this 'Eat Me' bar. It lets the consumer see what they are buying, similar to when consumers bought things in local shops before branding took over. I also think that the super minimal packaging works well with this cut out. There is no ornamentation - just the facts and the chocolate. From looking at this I wouldn't be able to tell what value this bar of chocolate would have.

Once again within this design the focus is all of the chocolate rather than the design of the packaging. The white packaging with a black sans serif font creates a neutral effect where you don't know what the value of this bar of chocolate would be. This could have been designed this way as the chocolate itself is designed in a pie chart so it could reflect the straight to the point nature of charts. 

This is definitely a product that is advertised to be a bit more exclusive and expensive than most brands. You can tell from the mixture of textures and use of white on black making the packaging look expensive to produce. It is also advertising very dark chocolate, this might be the main reason behind the darker looking packaging. 

I really love this idea of designing the packaging as if the product was drugs as most people do eat chocolate for a sort of pick me up. The use of bold colours against the white is very effective at selling to us that this is a drugs package. I also like how the sweets are presented in a little foil bag so the size, shape and taste of the sweets are a mystery until you open them. 

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