Monday 7 March 2016

OUGD501 - Study Task 8 - Evaluating CoP Practical Work

My initial idea was to explore logo and branding design within the context of timeless design if it was possible. However as I progressed in researching my practical project I found that it would be unfeasible due to lack of content. So I have had to change my idea completely and I feel that my aims have changed because of this too. So at the moment I am a bit behind in terms of the design of the practical piece.

However I wanted to get peoples interpretations/memory of the Coca Cola logo as I feel like this is a logo that almost everyone can recognise and is very common in our society. This is to prove the ubiquity of logos in our society so much that they are ingrained into our minds. By using these logos I thought I could create some personalised limited edition bottle or can designs to celebrate an anniversary.

At the moment I don't have much in terms of physical design work but I can evaluate my idea. Though it isn't the obvious resolution for an essay about logo design, I feel that it works in terms of showing how logos can indeed become timeless through saturation.

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