Saturday 6 December 2014

OUGD401 - Essay Rethink

After having a tutorial to talk about my essay plan structure and though I wanted to focus the essay on obsolescence, this wouldn't be possible as it avoids the question that I chose entirely, so I am back to square one. It was suggested that I could focus on branding and their sustainability. I do like this idea but then I can't see how I can link this to the relationship between consumers and brands. He also suggested that I looked at the Google Ara phone, which I found a video about below, which focuses it's efforts on a phone with interchangeable parts to upgrade whenever you want. This would reduce electronic waste massively.

So I had a rethink and looked back at my initial ideas and decided to go with food branding. I think that I will research perceptions of brands and how some products could be exactly the same in terms of taste but the packaging could make it seem more expensive. For example there is often not much difference in the taste of basics own brand custard creams for 35p, compared to their other custard creams for 65p. 

Although I am not sure whether I should focus on a specific product, or most foods in general. I thought that I could maybe focus on chocolates (considering I love chocolate) and design either high end, low end or a neutral packaging. 

 I feel more comfortable doing this because I enjoying looking at packaging and in previous projects I have made some food packaging. I love the hands on approach to creating paper packaging so I think that it will work well for me. 

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