Monday 29 February 2016

OUGD501 - Practical - Initial Idea

After the first critique I had a think about what would actually fit the question best and the idea of photographs showing the ubiquity of logos seemed the most relevant. To show logos throughout different situations and locations would prove this idea of timelessness through saturation.

I thought as well that I can compare and contrast the logo saturation in Leeds vs Berlin when I go on the trip with Uni. This would be especially interesting to see if this mass advertising is a global phenomenon or just specific to areas like the UK and the USA.

This would highlight these global logos in an interesting way, showing how sometimes logos and branding isn't always best suited for certain environments.

Monday 1 February 2016

OUGD501 - Practical Project - Initial Ideas Crit

I explained my ideas for the critique and what I wanted to achieve with the design element - however I realised that other than proving the facts of my essay I didn't really have a message to put across. One of my peers suggested that my idea to turn these 'timeless' or classic logos into ones that follow the modernist principles might work best, because it flips the idea of timelessness on its head. It takes all of the age out of the design and possibly it's associations too.

My tutor said that perhaps things that make a logo timeless aren't necessarily visual but down to a brand strategy therefore creating a strategy for an unsuccessful logo to become successful through association. For example the apple logo's visuals suggest that it might be a food company due to the bitten apple. Yet it has nothing to do with it's visual representation - all of its values are based on marketing and strategies rather than in the logo itself. 

We then got onto the discussion that some logos transcend their context and almost become iconic. Like the Jack Daniel's whiskey logo - people use it everywhere and it has become a visual icon that is worn on t shirts and key rings. Perhaps this sort of saturation is the way to achieve the coverage that is needed in order for the logo to be read and not seen. 

One of my peers also suggested that because of the saturation of these classic logos that sometimes they appear in inappropriate places. So I could collaborate with a photographer and try and find places where the logo is, which most people might not even recognise and create a photography book out of the results. A bit like a collections book in studio brief 3 of design production. 

Overall at the end of this critique I feel a bit more confused than before! Initially I wanted to produce a logo design or a compilation of logo designs for the end result of my essay. However all of these ideas have little to do with logo design and more to do with logo design within society today. So I will have to have a think about whether I want to go down the logo design route or the publication design route.